
Thursday, 26 July 2018

Inference chart (for the birds)

(what I notice and think)
-I think that the birds were arguing a lot
-I noticed that the birds had stopped arguing and looked at the big bird in an angry way
-The birds start being silly and make fun of the older bird
-The birds look angry at the bird
-The birds go away from the big bird when the big bird wants to join them and make friends
-The birds are gossiping and saying stuff about the big bird
-The big bird is trying to join them and make friends
-Birds get angry and pushed and pecked at the bird to make him swing under the wire
-The big bird has pulling it all the way down like a sling
-The little birds realised what was going to happen and stopped but they were to late

Background knowledge
(what I already know)
-I know that birds may not like it when someone is in their space
-I know that you can get distracted after talking or having an argue
-I know that young birds are supposed to be nice
-I know that the birds hate the big bird
-I know that bullies are always going away from their target
-Gossiping is not good
-I know that when you have to much stuff (birds)on a wire it goes down
-When you pull it down it's like a sling and will sling it off
-I now know that when a heavy thing pulls a wire or something down it will sling something up

-They don’t like it when other birds get in their space
-They always would stop to look at someone after arguing but they would have an angry face on
-They are being really mean to the other bird
-Maybe they don’t want the big bird to join their group
-They don’t like others that are different to them and they start teasing them
-That they are planning something evil for the big bird!
-The big bird is to heavy for the wire
-the big bird is going to be pushed off and is going to hurt itself
-When the big bird has pulled it down the little birds will be slung
-They lost their feathers because the sling was to fast

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Kiwi kids news

On the 4th of july 2018 there was a restaurant in  America that starting serving glittery pizza.

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
Mark Peters
2. What was the key event from the news article?
It was the making of a glittery Pizza
3. Where did this event take place?
A restaurant in America
4-When did this event take place
Reported on the 4 July 2018