
Friday, 28 September 2018

Explanation/Argument on what we did!

What Mrs Dines said:
The task we did independently after some discussion based around the idea
that other groups including the Department of Conservation (DOC) are working
to take action that will see NZ predator free (By 2050)

Today I participated in and hello Online discussion based around
the how I felt about the view of a group of people known as,nature
watcher’s, who believed animals that are called pests by the predators
free group should be treated with respect.

Animals that are called ‘pests’ by the Predator Free groups should
be treated with more respect
Four days ago, Mrs Dines told us to form a group and discuss or argue
about if we should 1,Agree to respect pests 2, Disagree to respect them
or 3, Partly agree/disagree to respect them,. After we had to independently
go on this site where it looks like a blog for groups. Then we had to type
down why we agree,disagree,partly agree/disagree to respecting and
treating them well.

I agree because…...
I believe that pests should be treated with more respect and love because
people might of already have them as a pet and are upset because of what
people are saying,also they were made by God and we should love them
because how he loves us!! I agreed that we should respect ''pests'' because
cats are ''pests'' and I love cats and I would be heartbroken if I was only
aloud one pet! They should respect ''pests'' because they are like normal animals
that people have for a pet but people don't treat them with love because of how
they are named ''pests'' or they just hate them for no reason

''Pests'' should be treated well because some pests are really nice and doing what they are
supposed to do in order to live like us but in different ways and some also help kill the
annoying things that are bugging you for example: a cat will kill a mice in your house
so you don't need to freak out yet they are both ''pests''. We should respect ''pests'' because
some of the ''pests'' are native animals like birds. And lastly they should be treated with
respect because they are like normal animals and humans but in this animal way.

Safe playing in the Playground,Field,Court

What does safe playing look like?
Safe playing looks like people not punching,pushing,kicking and making people end up going hospital

Why do we need to play safe on the playground,field and the court?
We need to play safely because

In the court when you play soccer and it's wet you can easily slip and maybe injure yourself or they will push you or make you trip over and you could end up going to the hospital!

On the field when your playing non stop cricket you could accidentally get hit really hard with the tennis  ball and get really injured.

In the playground we should play safely because when you play tag or if you are climbing something you could get hit instead of a pat on your back when playing tag or they can push you and you fall down, or when you climb you can fall down from the high thing you climbed

How can we play safely on the playground?
We can play safe if

In the court when we are playing soccer and it's wet we can take a break from soccer and do something else,if they push you then try to remember you have arms to make you not fall on your face, and instead you be in a push up position.

On the field once you play non stop cricket make sure to dodge or you can catch the ball if it's about to hit your face or any other part on your body.

in the playground we can tell them the rules about playing tag and if they don’t listen then you keep on telling them so they will follow the rules of tag. And if your about to climb something that you're probably not aloud to climb you should think before you do it.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Facts about Saint Paul!

Image result for paul in the bible
l.I-we are learning to find some facts about St Paul’s life back then
  • -He was a christian persecutor.
  • -he got blinded by God and then he changed and God named him Paul
  • -He went almost around the world preaching the good news
  • And also telling people about Jesus.
  • -He got stoned to death and sent impression? (i’m just saying what the movie said I think)
  • -In prison he decided to write the New Testament (so he technically wrote most of the bible)

Things I think don’t fit in the facts:
-He was born in Rome Citizen in Tarsus (here is the link--> Tarsus
-He grew up in Jerusalem (link --->Jerusalem )

Image result for paul in the bible

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Duffy Assembly

Today we went to the hall for Duffy Assembly where we saw a guy named Henry/Harry (but i'll just go with Henry)
He made us laugh when he told us when he went inside a place that he thought was a DVD store,grabbed a DVD case,opened it and saw there were no DVD so he went to a woman at a desk,and told her that the DVD was stolen she said it's actually a book.He also told us that he wore his underpants outside his pants because he thought he was a superhero but the neighbours said ‘’no you are a clown’’ it made us laugh.

He also made us laugh by telling us when he was reading a book in the library really ,peacefully until..this girl was talking so loud he closed the book,got up,went to find the person talking and saw them talking tapped the them and she turned, around  and he did a weird face at the girl but then she left so he felt sad and ended up crying for….7 DAYS 14 HOURS 21 MINUTES and 10 SECONDS!!!! he says he felt better by reading a funny book.

It's been a long time since he's seen her but then...he went back to the library heard loud talking,went to the person who was talking,tapped her on the shoulder feeling real confident and the girl turned around saw him looking confident and did this weird pose. He said ‘’can I ask you a question’’ she said ‘’okay’’ and I thought he was going to tell her to stop talking so loud but was ‘’are you finished reading that book?’’

We all laughed but then she dropped the book and went out with a really weird sad face! He says that she cried for-7 days 14 hours 21 minutes and he told us to guess we all said 10 but he was like ‘’no it's 11 seconds’’ we laughed so much!!!

And after Xavier thanked them and Hope took a photo with the help of Punipuao and we all headed back to school laughing and giggling.

Monday, 10 September 2018


Learning Intention:Identify how the celebration is the Eucharist is the celebration.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018
