
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Facts about Mangroves!

Learning Intention: We are learning about ecology.
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I can write about the effects of mangroves on living things, people and the environment.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Maui Dolphins-By Summer

Learning Intention-we are learning to write a report.

Success Criteria-I know I am successful when I can write a report about Maui dolphins in a paragraph:

Maui Dolphins are gray,white and black,Some are just gray. They have 5 fins.Maui dolphins fins is called a dorsal fins.They use this round fins to balance when they swim.They use their tail to move up and down not side to side.

Female dolphins are called cow.They don't lay eggs.Baby dolphins are called calf.Little calf drink milk from their mothers. 

Maui dolphins eat fish called cod.They also eat other small fish.Maui dolphins likes to eat squid and krill.

Image result for Maui dolphins
Maui dolphins can not be found in fresh water.Maui dolphins can live in cold-water.Maui dolphins live in the West coast ocean of New Zealand.

Maui dolphins are interesting mammals.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Multiplying by twos,fives and tens-By Summer

Jesus Respected Tapu in people -By Summer

Learning Intention-we are learning to:Identify ways Jesus showed respect for the Tapu in people.

Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I can draw a picture of Jesus showing his respect to a sick man. 

Jesus told the sick man to get up and go home,and the man stood up and went home,praising God.

Before the Holy Spirit came-By Summer

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-Identify how the disciples felt before the Pentecost.

Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I can tell the feelings of the disciples before the holy spirit come.

The feelings of the disciples before the Holy Spirit came.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Sharks-By Summer

Learning Intention-We are learning to write a report.

Success Criteria:I know I am successful when I write a report about sharks.

Sharks are not mammals they are fish.Sharks are cold  bloodied.

Sharks are grey-white.Some sharks have white on their tummies.Some sharks are blue.Some are black and white.
Sharks have black eyes.Sharks have two side fins and one top fin.

Sharks use their fins to balance.
Sharks move their body from side to side.They use their tails to move fast.

Sharks can be found in the ocean.
Some can be found in fresh-water that is Rivers.
Sharks eat small fish,crabs,some eat sea lions.

Most sharks give birth to their young, some lay eggs.
The female lays fertilised eggs.

Sharks are interesting fish.

Breakfast by the sea-By Summer

Learning Intention-W.A.L.T-retell one of the Easter stories:

Success Criteria:I am successful when  I draw a comic strip about Jesus having breakfast by the shore with his friends :
                                   one after Easter story, "Breakfast by the sea".

1:Peter,John and James went fishing.

2:They fish all night but caught nothing.

3:A man told them to throw the net on the other side.When they pulled the net there were lots of fish.

4:Peter knew it was Jesus so he jumps into the water and swims towards Jesus.